عبارات للاخت. عبارات لأختي

I fight with you sis, but deep down inside I have nothing but love for you Before a brother starts arguing with his sister, he must always remember that she is never wrong — this is what I have learnt from spending so many years with you sis
My sister is the person who claws me like a cat and then takes me back in her arms like a teddy bear Thanks for making my life wonderful sis

9 من أجمل العبارات عن الأخت

But deep down inside I know that it is your way of teaching your little brother how to be thick skinned and take on the outside world.

9 من أجمل العبارات عن الأخت
Cute message for sister to say love you express yourself• Thanks for being that person sis, I love you
اجمل عبارات للاخت
But I never had the chance to choose my sister, and that is one choice I am glad I never had — because you are the best sis anyone could ever have
اجمل عبارات للاخت
She calls herself MY SISTER
Sisters are like the default files installed in a computer A sister is that person who knows all your secrets, fears, bad habits and just about everything else there is to know about you
You fight with me every day, you annoy me in every possible way All my friends are magicians

10 عبارات عن الاخت اجمل ما قيل في حب الاخت

Thanks for looking out for me, sis.

عبارات تكتب على الهدايا للأخت
A sister is someone who fights with you at home, so you can become stronger and be prepared to take on the cruel world outside
كلام عن الأخت الصغيرة — عبارات عن الاخت الصغيرة للواتس
Sis, as I grow up a lot of things will change except one… my love for you
عبارات لأختي
Thanks for being there sis
Thanks for being the only real friend I have She can make you dance like a puppet at will
There is a special corner in my heart, which will always hold gratitude for you Only a sister will hug you and call your antics cute and adorable

عبارات تهدى للاخت 2021

You make fun of me and tease me all day long.

10 عبارات عن الاخت اجمل ما قيل في حب الاخت
Everything from dead serious, to goofing around
كلمات للأخت في عيد ميلادها
عبارات شكر على الهديه من الاخت جميلة ومميزة
The most annoying thing about having an older sister is that she never gives you advice in any particular way or at any particular time she gives it to you all the time and in every possible ways