اطفال متلازمة داون. أطفال متعايشون مع وسط غير متعايش

Gibbs ED, Carswell L 1991 : Using total communication with young children with Down's syndrome ; A literature review and case study In: Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies
"On the diagnostic term "Down's disease "" "Providing effective speech and language therapy for children with Down syndrome in mainstream settings: A case example"

21 شخصية‭ ‬مميزة من ذوي متلازمة داون

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

متلازمة داون
Kumin L 1994 Communication Skills in Children with Down's Syndrome: A Guide for parents
متلازمة داون
Swift E, Rosin P 1990 : " A remediation sequence to improve speech intelligibility for students with Down Syndrome
طبيبة اختصاصية: أطفال “متلازمة داون” من أكثر الفئات تضررًا من كورونا
MacDonald ID 1989 : " Becoming partners with Children - From play to conversation
Kumin L, Councill C, Goodman M 1995 : The pacing board: A technique to assist the transition from single word to multi wordutterance The role of the family physician in the care of children with Down syndrome
"American Academy of Pediatrics: Health supervision for children with Down syndrome" American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

كل ما يجب معرفته عن متلازمة داون للأطفال

Center for Disease Control 6 January 2006.

أطفال متلازمة داون: مدارس تتنمر ضد ذوي الهمم — مصر 360
Am J Speech-Language Pathol 4:89-94
خصائص اطفال متلازمه داون
Down syndrome: Overview of prenatal screening
كل ما يجب معرفته عن متلازمة داون للأطفال
Clinical Lecture Reports, London Hospital