الدين المعاملة. Do Unto Others

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الاسلام دين التسامح

A question you hear often in Jordan may very well epitomize the reasons lying behind the everyday occurrences.

الدين معاملة ونصيحة
All this and we have the audacity to call others heathens; to point at the Chinese and Japanese and say that they have no religion
الدين معاملة ونصيحة
معنى الدين المعاملة
Then we come to the extraordinary, those unexpected and shocking events which come like a nice slap to the face in the morning
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الدين المعاملة

That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.

الدين المعاملة.. التسامح نموذجاً­
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Do Unto Others
Or is it simple asinine disregard for the lives of others? Really, who the hell are you? We are trying to restore them, but if you were one of those affected, please email editor at globalcomment dot com so we can rectify the situation! Is this what our candidates want their constituents feeling? We consistently bring you perspectives from around the world that you don't get anywhere else, and we want to be able to continue supporting the work of the excellent writers you see here
الدين المعاملة.. التسامح نموذجاً­
I believe that the fact that the simple phrase cannot be traced back to a specific saying of the Prophet PBUH or the Holy Quran, and rather is probably more of a folk saying that has developed over the centuries adds to its strength and profoundness, as simple research will show that it has developed in a secular, religious, and philosophical manner—a manner which combined the thinking of different cultures and faiths