I know this much is true. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb, Paperback

In the end, he's restored To make it worse, Dominick gets back with Dessa, the wife who left him after she lost the baby and he ot a vasectomy without telling her - she conveniently broke up with whatshisname, who was described by Dominick as a good guy, for no reason other than to set her up to get back with Dominick - which she does, and it just so happens that Dominick's previous girlfriend, the young and troubled Joy, not only became a mother but also got diagnosed with HIV and Dominick just so happens to be the only person in the world that she trusts to take care of her baby in case she passes away - which she does
This book just went rocketing to my all-time Favourites shelf

I Know This Much Is True Reveals The Backstory of the Tempesta 'Curse'

The film rights expired and reverted to Lamb, who thought the novel would be better adapted into a miniseries rather than a film.

I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb
I Know This Much Is True (miniseries)
Again, Saddam did not accept - and the situation escalated into another war
I Know This Much Is True FINALLY Reveals Who Dominic's Dad Is
In addition to constantly repeating himself, as though you may have forgotten the relevant lessons, or stories, or who the characters are from 100 pages back, the writing is painfully slow
Another thing is the dialogue is driving me crazy The protagonist had also had his life turned upside down by the death of his baby daughter, his wife leaving him and his brother's suicide
During Ruffalo's weight gain, he lost 30 pounds to stand in as Dominick It explores the nature of close family relationships and how you can love someone and also hate them and be embarrassed by them, and the guilt that results from these conflicting emotions

Spandau Ballet

By page 250 I wanted to abandon the book altogether as I encountered some powerful emotional reactions to rape, child abuse I absolutely loved this book and cried my eyes out during the last 60 pages.

I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb, Paperback
It's hard to read and to stop reading, and impossible to forget
I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb, Paperback
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers
Spandau Ballet
As time passes, Domenico grows to hate Prosperine because he thinks she cursed him for his sexual assaults