من هم العرب. من هم العجم..من هم العجم وهل جنس العرب افضل من العجم

2006; found agreement by Battaglia et al "A Dangerous Divide: The Deterioration of Jewish-Palestinian Relations in Israel"
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Gellner, Ernest and Micaud, Charles, Eds

من هم العرب المستعربة

Roee Nahamias 24 April 2007.

من هم العرب البائدة
"Egypt and Early Arab Nationalism" in Rashid Kakhlidi, ed
عرب 48
McGreal, Chris 6 February 2006
ما هو أصل العرب
40—41, see also Kodmani, p
Government officials categorized and labeled them by religion Muslims, Christians, Druze , region Galilee Arab, Triangle Arab, Negev Bedouin , and family connections, or hamula Haberer 1985, 145 , The others within us, 2008• The Institute for Palestine Studies
Hofstein, Avner 2 March 2006 total population 450 million, estimates an Arab population of 450 million, see article text

من هم العرب المستعربة

Editorial, , New York Times 21 July 2012 : "Israeli Palestinians are not required to join the army, and most do not.

من هم الروم والفرس في هذا العصر
they hurl accusations against us, like that we are a 'fifth column
ما هو أصل العرب
Arabic As a Minority Language By Jonathan Owens, pg
من هم العرب المستعربة
Arabs and Berbers: from tribe to nation in North Africa
Konard Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation Lucas eds, Israel, The First Decade of Independence Albany, State of New York, US, 1995
Shtern, Yoav 4 March 2008 While they were allowed to become citizens, they were distanced from the center of power because the Israeli state was a Jewish state and Israeli national identity incorporated Jewish symbols and referents


The new idiom Israeli Arabs, while purporting to be no more than technical, bureaucratic label, evidenced a deliberate design.

من هم الروم والفرس في هذا العصر
Dwight Fletcher Reynolds, Arab folklore: a handbook, Greenwood Press: 2007 , p
طوكيو 2021: من هم الرياضيون العرب المرشحون للفوز بالميداليات؟
" The use of these labels denies the existence of any type of political or national identification and the use of "minority" even denies them a distinct cultural identity
there are, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than sixteen million Arabs and descendants of Arabs in Brazil, constituting the largest community of Arabs descent outside the Middle East