واجعلني من ورثة جنة النعيم. شرح دعاء رب هب لي حكما وألحقني بالصالحين* واجعل لي لسان صدق في الآخرين * واجعلني من ورثة جنة النعيم

Melayu - Basmeih : "Dan jadikanlah daku dari orangorang yang mewarisi Syurga JannatunNaiim;• and favor me with honorable mention among the posterity, Prophet Ibrahim asked Allah's help in later generations too, so that those generations will keep carrying on the Message of Allah which Ibrahim brought to the world, and to abide by it They will see how foolish they were, and how terrible of them to ignore Allah's teachings
That the pious and righteous will see their dream come true, that Paradise is so attractive and lovely, and it is theirs Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart

شرح دعاء رب هب لي حكما وألحقني بالصالحين* واجعل لي لسان صدق في الآخرين * واجعلني من ورثة جنة النعيم

Verily, he was of those who went astray; Prophet Ibrahim also asks Allah Almighty to forgive his father, though Ibrahim's father was an idol worshipper, a pagan.

«جنات النعيم».. جزاء للسابقين المقربين
meaning, free from any impurity or Shirk
إسلام ويب
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 求你使我为极乐园的继承者。 This passage was revealed to Prophet Muhammad pbuh at a time when a good many arguments and disputes were taking place between him and the disbelievers of Mecca
إسلام ويب
But you may say how can a Prophet pray for the welfare of a pagan or even someone who associates others with Allah?! and make me one of the heirs of the Garden of Bliss , Once again Prophet Ibrahim shows his deep humility and need of Allah's mercy and compassion
Thus indeed do we reward the good doers and do not disgrace me on the Day when people are raised again , Note that Prophet Ibrahim prays to Allah not to disfavor or disgrace him on the Day of Judgment
This is a further reminder and emphasizes what will happen to the believers who do well, and how on the Day of Judgment, Heaven will look so near and within easy reach, and it will appear so lovely, enticing, captivating, and attractive Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na unijaalie katika warithi wa Bustani za neema• He knows that a person cannot be worthy or deserving of Paradise unless he reaches the high plateau of righteousness by putting the religious guidelines into action, and works diligently for it

«جنات النعيم».. جزاء للسابقين المقربين

To earn Paradise and be worthy of it you have to work for it now, while on earth, but you also need Allah's mercy and forgiveness.

«جنات النعيم».. جزاء للسابقين المقربين
except for him who came to Allah with a sincere heart
سبب سؤال إبراهيم ربه جنة النعيم ولم يسأله الفردوس
So we pray, as did Prophet Ibrahim before, for Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and ask to be among the winners
من دعاء إبراهيم عليه السلام
And forgive my father, verily, he is of the erring