ذرة بيضاء. وجبات خفيفة، رقائق التورتية، نقية، ذرة بيضاء: اكتشفوا القيمة الغذائية والسعرات الحرارية

Kafir sorghums, originated from South Africa, with thick, juicy stems, large leaves, and awnless cylindrical-shaped panicles Stems are slender and dry
In Eastern and Southern Africa, traditional sorghum varieties of moderate tannin content are widely grown for staple food and alcoholic beverages , though there are local variations It is also susceptible to weeds during the first stages of development

وجبات خفيفة، رقائق التورتية، نقية، ذرة بيضاء: اكتشفوا القيمة الغذائية والسعرات الحرارية

For cultivars, the geographical range is defined as the area to which the cultivar is well adapted rather than marginally adapted.

Sorghum forage
Sorghum is commonly used in commercial rabbit feeds in Mexico , or as the only grain in experimental control diets ;
ذرة بيضاء . شجر الذرة البيضاء
Kafirins proteins found in sorghum make starch digestion more difficult; in the rumen, sorghum starch is less degradable than that from wheat or barley
Sorghum bicolor
However, there are large differences in nutrient profiles between varieties, together with agronomic and climatic variation, which can affect yield, therefore total substitution of maize silage with sorghum silage, even from bmr varieties, should be given careful consideration ;
Given the variability of the sorghum germplasm, the intensive breeding efforts and the large number of ecological and farming systems where forage sorghums are grown, precise recommendations and values for yields, optimal heights, etc The conclusion so far is that utilization of sorghum forage as a total replacement for maize silage in the diets of lactating cows is possible in some cases
This could be due to phenolics and cyanogenics released by the sorghum roots that hinder weed growth Sheep can be fed whole grain or coarsely ground grain sorghum

Sorghum bicolor

However, low rumen degradability also means that higher amounts of starch escape from the rumen, reach the intestine and may be lost in the feces.

ذرة بيضاء
As a result, the overall energy supply is reduced and sorghum grain provides less energy than maize
جدة ذرة بيضاء
Because new shoots can be dangerous due to hydrogen cyanide, they should not be grazed until they reach at least 45 cm or even 0
Sorghum grain
a winter annual germinating in the autumn and flowering in the spring esp