اضرار الشاي. ما هي فوائد الشاي وأضراره

Tannis Jurgens, Anne Whelan, Lara Killian And Others 2012 , , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 12 Naping Tang, Yuemin Wub, Bo Zhouc And Others 2009 , , Lung cancer , Issue 3, Folder 65, Page 274-283
Xueru Yin, Jiqiao Yang, Tony Li And Others 2015 , , International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine , Issue 6, Folder 8, Page 8339-8346 Yuichirou Sato, Hiroki Nakatsuka, Kenichi Kato And Others 1989 , , The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine , Issue 4, Folder 157, Page 337-343

ما هي فوائد الشاي وأضراره

Quan Zhou, Hui Li, Jian-Guo Zhou And Others 2016 , , Gynecologic Oncology, Issue 1, Folder 293, Page 143-155.

ما هي فوائد الشاي وأضراره
Hussain 2001 , , Journal of Dentistry, Issue 8, Folder 29, Page 517-520
ما هي اضرار الشاي
Christina Dietz, Matthijs Dekker 2017 , , Current Pharmaceutical Design, Issue 19, Folder 23, Page 2876-2905
أضرار الشاي المر
Dandapantula Sarma, Marilyn Barrett, Mary Chavez, and others 2008 , , Drug Safety, Issue 6, Folder 31, Page 469—484
Guowei Li, Yuan Zhang, Lehana Thabane And Others 2015 , , Journal of Hypertension, Issue 2, Folder 33, Page 243-254 Maram Aboulwafa, Fadia Youssef, Haidy Gad and others 10-2019 , , Antioxidants, Issue 10, Folder 8, Page 455
Mirtavoos-Mahyari H, Salehipour P, Parohan M And Others 2019 , , Nutrition and Cancer, Issue 6, Folder 71, Page 887-897 Sawako Masuda, Mari Maeda-Yamamoto, Satoko Usui And Others 2014 , , Allergology International, Issue 2, Folder 36, Page 211-217

تعرف على أضرار تناول الشاى بكثرة 2014

Naghma Khan and Hasan Mukhtar 2013 , , Current pharmaceutical design, Issue 34, Folder 19, Page 6141-6147.

ما أضرار الشاي بالنعناع
Nicole Delimont, Mark Haub, and Brian Lindshield 2-2017 , , Current Developments in Nutrition, Issue 2, Folder 1, Page 1—12
أضرار الشاي الأزرق
Chwan-Li Shen, James Yeh, Jay Cao And Others 2010 , , Nutrition Research, Issue 7, Folder 29, Page 437-456
أضرار شرب الشاي
Kaijun Niu, Atsushi Hozawa, Shinichi Kuriyama And Others 2009 , , The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Issue 6, Folder 90, Page 1615-1622
Jun Pang, Zheng Zhang, Tongzhang Zheng And Others 2016 , , International Journal of Cardiology, Folder 179, Page 275-278 Ki Lee, Hyong Lee, Chang Lee 4-2002 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 4, Folder 132, Page 785
com, 2019 , Retrieved 28-5-2020 Park M, Yamada H, Matsushita K And Others 2011 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 10, Folder 141, Page 1862-1870

انتبهو من ” أضرار الشاي الأحمر ” والأمراض التي يسببها

Salma Fuzi, Dagmar Koller, Sylvaine Bruggraber and others 12-2017 , , The American journal of clinical nutrition, Issue 6, Folder 106, Page 1413-1421.

ما هي اضرار الشاي
Ryuichiro Sakata, Toru Nakamuram, Takuji Torimura And Others 2013 , , International journal of molecular medicine, Issue 5, Folder 32, Page 989-994
أضرار الشاي المر
أهم 9 معلومات عن فوائد و أضرار الشاي
Cheryl Rowe, Meri Nantz, Jack Bukowski And Others 2007 , , Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Issue 5, Folder 26, Page 445-452