بلاد فارس. بلاد فارس

Del Guidice, Marguerite August 2008 Fisher, William Bayne;Avery, Peter; Gershevitch, Ilya; Hambly, Gavin; Melville, Charles
Brookshaw, Dominic Parviz February 28, 2019 Abrahamian, Tortured Confessions 1999 , pp

معلومات عن الحضارة الفارسية

The Umayyad Caliphate AD 661—750, London 1986, pp.

ردهة بلاد فارس
"Persia — Ancient soul of Iran"
العرب في بلاد فارس والهند
Mohammad Mohammadi Malayeri, Tarikh-i Farhang-i Iran Iran's Cultural History
نظام فارس
Sagona, Antonio; Zimansky, Paul 24 February 2015
New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation , Cambridge History of Iran, Tribes, Cities and Social Organization, vol
Nasr, Vali, The Shia Revival, Norton, 2006 , p "The Population of Persian Armenia Prior to and Immediately Following its Annexation to the Russian Empire: 1826-1832"

بلاد فارس القديمة والإمبراطورية الفارسية

The Wilson Center, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies.

ميناء بلاد فارس
, Pen and Sword, 19 jan
الحملة الفارسية
A History of Modern Iran
أديان بلاد فارس
Richard Frye, The Heritage of Persia, p
The Timeline of Art History Louise Fawcett, "Revisiting the Iranian Crisis of 1946: How Much More Do We Know?
Ashgate Pub Co, 30 sep The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State — by D

ردهة بلاد فارس

Treacherous Alliance : the secret dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States by Trita Pasri, Yale University Press, 2007, p.

معلومات عن الحضارة الفارسية
Chahryar Adle, Irfan Habib 2003
بلاد فارس القديمة والإمبراطورية الفارسية
Ebel, Robert, Menon, Rajan 2000
بلاد فارس
Agha Muhammad Khan remained nine days in the vicinity of Tiflis